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Traffic Court

Contact Us

Clark County Court House
419 Clay St
Arkadelphia, AR 71923


Traffic court is a judicial institution that handles traffic ticket cases. They are also known as traffic ticket courts because they mainly handle traffic ticket matters. Traffic court is housed in the same facility as the regular courts. The Clark County District Traffic Court serves a population of some 20,000 residents and has jurisdiction over all traffic offenses committed within the limits of Clark County.

Please carefully review all information on the citation that you signed, promising to appear at the time and date specified.

Pleading Not Guilty

If you wish to plead not guilty, you must either:

  • Enter your not guilty plea at the clerks window and you will be given a trial date.
  • Appear on your court date before the Judge and you will be given a trial date by the clerk.


Failure to Appear

Failure to appear in court as you have promised will result in the following actions:

  • You will be charged with a failure to appear, which is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine, jail or both.
  • The Court may notify the State Driver Control of your failure to appear.

If your questions are not answered through this website, the most efficient way to handle your questions will be to contact our clerks so that we might better serve you.

Do you need help with your case?

Contact us today for all your information.